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多年來,無論何時,當我們與醫師、護理師或其他處方開立者對話時,我們始終展現秉持患者利益至上的原則。我們瞭解我們在為 HCP 提供有關藥物新數據和資訊時的職責,因此必須以清楚明白的態度且在沒有任何利益衝突的認知情況下進行。我們相信,與專家進行透明的科學性對話和交流,符合所有致力於開發新藥、改善臨床實踐和照護病患者的利益。這些是我們與 HCP 交流政策的根本原則,我們將繼續全力實踐這些原則。

有關 GSK 全球政策的更多資訊,請參閱我們的 HCP 交流原則(PDF - 214KB)

Mark Clough discussing Sensodyne with a patient
Mark Clough, 舒酸定研發, GSK


HCP 幫助我們找出進行臨床試驗的潛在志願者,提供患者研究性藥物或疫苗並監督結果。此獨特的醫學洞見與知識對於開發新療法相當重要。

我們制定嚴格的政策,以規範我們與 HCP 的所有合作。這些政策包括:

  • 所有臨床試驗研究人員的甄選僅完全依據其資格,以利進行高品質的臨床研究
  • 決定是否聘用擔任臨床試驗的研究人員時,這些人過去是否使用 GSK 產品的歷史並不納入考量
  • 不提供或支付任何費用,以避免影響研究人員是否招募或維持患者參加臨床研究的判斷
  • 不允許贈送參與 GSK 研究計畫的 HCP 禮物
  • HCP 的費用必須受合約拘束
  • 支付的任何費用必須反映 HCP 所執行工作和所提供服務的公平市場價值。

我們也承諾公開揭露對 HCP 及其進行臨床研究之機構所支付的研究費用。

Disclosure of payments made to HCPs

Engaging with healthcare professionals

As a healthcare company, GSK regularly works with healthcare professionals. From collaborating on clinical trials to providing high quality, balanced information about our medicines and vaccines, in all of our interactions we aim to be transparent about our work, operate with integrity, and always put the interests of patients first.

Our policy for working with healthcare professionals

On the 1st of January 2016, we announced a series of changes to our policy for how we work with healthcare professionals (HCPs). The purpose of these changes is to improve understanding of new data and clinical experience with our products and increase transparency of payments to HCPs. The changes will apply to innovative products for a limited time and aim to support HCPs to deliver better outcomes for patients.

Disclosure of payments made to HCPs

We acknowledge the importance of increased transparency and of putting the patient at the centre of every decision we take. We remain committed to disclosing the payments we make to HCPs and intend to expand our reporting of payments to individual HCPs.

We already publish payments made to HCPs in 32 markets across Europe (including Russia and Ukraine) as well as Australia, Japan and the US for activities such as advisory boards, scientific symposiums and market research.

From 2019, where legally permitted, we will now report individual level payments made each year to HCPs for attending educational meetings and for the provision of services, such as speaking at events or attending advisory boards. Where individual level disclosure is not legally permitted, we will continue to report aggregate payments.

Disclosure Data for Taiwan

Click here for disclosure of payments made to HCPs in Taiwan